Janežovski Vrh

Warnings, Janežovski Vrh


5/26 12:00 AM 24:00 – 5/26 8:59 AM 08:59

Rainfall : from 15 to 25 mm/6h. Torrential watercourses may rise and overflow quickly. Rainwater floods are possible. The population in the affected areas should follow the trend of water level and hydrological updates.



5/25 11:00 PM 23:00 – 5/26 6:59 PM 18:59

Thunderstorms are possible, accompanied by local intense precipitation and gusty winds. Intense local showers with wind blasts and lightning strikes are possible. Torrential watercourses may rise quickly. Rainwater floods are possible. Beware of approaching storm clouds. Do not linger in exposed locations, e.g. under trees or power lines. Wait in a safe place, as storms usually do not last long.


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