
Warnings, Krpacovo


5/23 8:00 AM 08:00 – 5/24 7:00 PM 19:00

We expect hailstorms in district Brezno, that represent potential risk for human activities. They can be associated with short term rainstorms that can reach 20 - 30 mm, gusts of 18 - 23 m/s (65 - 85 km/h) and hail. BE AWARE that thunderstorms may occur. Take extra care in exposed areas, like mountains, forest and open terrain. Disruption to outdoor activities is possible.



5/22 1:45 PM 13:45 – 5/22 4:00 PM 16:00

Vzhľadom na očakávané zrážky a pohyb ľadov možno očakávať v danej oblasti vzostup vodných hladín s možnosťou prekročenia Stupňov povodňovej aktivity. BE AWARE of the potential for localised flooding of a small number of properties, with local disruption to outdoor activities.


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